Thursday, March 29, 2018


This blog is just a quick update of what I am doing and how I'm beginning the editing process. I texted Gordon and asked him if he was available to finish filming next week Wednesday after school. He confirmed he was available and it was alright.

I recently have been watching YouTube videos online to teach myself how to use Adobe Premiere Pro. I have already learned so much and I think I am comfortable to begin editing the footage I have. I began with the basics by learning the very simple steps like how to upload clips, where to place them in the timeline, etc. I also learned about some of the tools available to use. I started by watching videos about the basic functions so I could get a feel to the program and begin practicing and playing around footage. I started by getting the folder with all my clips from filming day and putting them on on display for me on the bottom left of the program. This allows to me to click on a clip to see what is is then gives me different options on what to do with it.

After watching a few videos on YouTube, I thought it was my turn to put it to the test and try to start putting what I have together. I began by buying the song Runnin' by David Dallas for about a dollar. I put it in my folder and dragged it to the timeline. The editing has officially begun.  I played around with a few clips and dragged a few to the timeline without the audio. In the song there is a part where the beat goes very well with what I wanted to do with the jump shots that I was inspired by Edgar Wright (I talked about this in a previous post). I was a bit worried they wouldn't look good as I thought the beat went a bit fast but boy was I wrong. It goes so well with it. This is all I did for this day of editing. I would carry on the next day.

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